Head office
We are enterprising but not overconfident. Decisive, but not brash. And that’s good, not only for our customers, but also for society. We prefer sustainable growth to immediate returns.
<Trusted financial partner <Customers <Branches Head office
At our head office, we are also busy optimising the customer experience day by day. Argenta is also available to customers 24/7 via the app, online banking and the Argenta website. Whichever channel the customer chooses, Argenta is a cost-conscious and trusted partner, focused on an honest product and service offering and on lasting relationships with its customers.
Data and data protection
Everyone has already heard of it: Big Data, also known as the new gold. But Big Data is not that new. Argenta has been collecting and analysing large amounts of data for years. Current technology enables us to capture, process and use much more data. This, of course, requires controlled management.


Don't expect us to ever call ourselves Argentify. Or that we will suddenly paint the apple in our logo in fluorescent colours. Do expect that we will ensure that digital banking is nowhere easier than at Argenta. And that we will also make our clear view on banking available to new generations. Many new functionalities were introduced in 2021. Moreover, with the new digital flows, fewer physical documents and fewer administrative trips to the branch are required.
per december 2021
Active users in Belgium
Internet Banking
subscriptions in Belgium
Active users in Belgium
users in Belgium